See below for our e-Portfolio and curriculum offer.
A downloadable version is available at the bottom of the page.

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education, RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education), is an important and valued subject at Southway Junior School. A successful PSHE curriculum will equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. RSHE helps pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain.


RSHE education at Southway helps pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. From making responsible decisions to succeeding in their first job, RSHE education helps pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.


RSHE is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. In lessons, children learn about relationships, diversity, respect, healthy lifestyles, safety, the body and how it changes, and reproduction and birth in a sensitive and age-appropriate way. The teaching of RSHE at Southway builds on the foundations of skills and knowledge that will be developed further at secondary level. Our key aim in providing RSHE throughout the school is to safeguard our students and equip them to become safe, responsible, empathetic and aspirational citizens for the 21st century. Our RSHE curriculum links inexplicitly with our school values of respect, resilience, kindness and teamwork.


More information about RSHE at Southway is available in our RSHE policy.





Southway Junior School ensures complete coverage of the RSHE National Curriculum by following the RSHE Association approved scheme of work offered by 1Decision which cultivates and progresses children’s learning about the world through motivating stories, interactive choice-based videos and in-depth discussion, in alignment with the school’s ‘iii’ approach. This is then complemented and supplemented by West Sussex’s E4S and our own extra planning and resources to make sure the curriculum offer is bespoke and targeted to our children’s needs and locality.


Southway’s RSHE & RSE curriculum was created in collaboration with our local area, having been informed after consultations with local stakeholders, parents/carers, staff and governors. The teaching of RSHE at Southway combines the West Sussex County Council’s E4S (Education for Safeguarding) programme, the PSHE Association Programme of Study and 1Decision. The 1Decision programme of study is based on the PSHE Association curriculum.


When covering year group curricular, teachers will revisit and revise previous years’ concepts/coverage. Teachers will also teach extra lessons depending on the needs of individual year groups, classes and children’s needs preventatively and reactively. The format of lessons and approach to RSHE will reflect and develop our school values of resilience, teamwork, kindness and respect.


More information about RSHE at Southway is available in our RSHE policy.




In addition to demonstrating the school’s values of respect, kindness, teamwork and resilience in their daily lives, by the end of year six the children will be able to:


  • Develop knowledge and understanding of positive and healthy relationships and the importance of commitment
  • Be aware of their rights especially in relation to their bodies
  • Develop social and relationship skills and protective behaviours
  • Be knowledgeable related to the physical and emotional changes of puberty
  • Develop understanding of reproduction and birth within the context of loving and caring relationships
  • Explore a range of attitudes, values and faith perspectives around aspects of relationships and sex
  • Use the internet safely and to recognise the benefits and risks that it brings
  • Develop skills around assessing risk and keeping safe
  • Have the knowledge and the skills related to understanding to support the development of healthy bodies and minds
  • Recognise and manage their emotions
  • Be equipped with the knowledge and skills to access appropriate support when needed.