Equality Objectives


The public sector equality duty (PSED) requires schools to prepare and publish equality objectives at least once every four years.  The PSED was introduced by the Equality Act 2010 and applies to all schools, including maintained schools.

Our equality objectives are based on our analysis of data and other information specific to Southway Junior School. Our equality objectives focus on those areas where we have agreed to take action to improve equality and tackle disadvantage.

We will regularly review the progress we are making to meet our equality objectives. 

Southway Junior School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout the school community.

To achieve this, our equality objectives are as follows:

1.  Promote an understanding and respect for difference - Ensure that diversity runs as a thread throughout our curriculum.

2.  To promote equality of access and improved outcomes for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds - provide a sustained and positive approach to countering the negative impacts of disadvantage on our most vulnerable pupils.

3. To support and promote positive mental health for all within the school community - recognition that poor mental health has far reaching negative impacts on the development and performance of pupils and staff.